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Why Women Require Separate Health Insurance Coverage

Health Insurance

In India, knowledge and understanding about women’s health is still in its early stages, even though women are making huge strides in every possible profession and breaking down glass ceilings through education and empowerment. This is because, even today, a woman with a promising career is expected to be the primary or sole caregiver in the family. As a result, women frequently ignore their health and problems. It’s time to make a change.

Purchasing health insurance is unquestionably a good place to start. However, most women opt for family floater plans or believe that their husband’s policy will cover them. That is not the case. For women, purchasing an individual health insurance policy makes more sense. Why? Several health issues are unique to women, ranging from gynecological diseases to pregnancy complications. As a result, the coverage provided by a family floater plan may be insufficient. Continue reading to learn more about the significance of an individual policy.

Reasons for Separate Health Insurance for Women

1. Rising medical inflation

Inflation is on the rise and has an impact on the cost of everything a consumer requires, including high-quality healthcare services. Having to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket can deplete your savings. Furthermore, even if you manage to save a significant amount, the value of your savings will decrease after accounting for future inflation rates. This may not be enough to cover medical expenses in ten or twenty years. A mediclaim insurance policy provides financial assistance on par with inflation rates, ensuring that your savings and investments are not depleted.

Furthermore, a good health plan protects you against a wide range of illnesses and health events, as well as accidents and disabilities that may result from them, as well as critical illnesses. Good women’s health insurance plans also cover maternity needs, child vaccination and care costs for a few years, and post-hospitalization rehabilitation care. A comprehensive mediclaim plan that also includes life insurance can help a woman not only save money on hospitalisation costs but also provide financial security for her family in her absence.

2. Growing health concerns for women

Women in cities are more likely to develop diseases such as breast cancer. This is primarily due to the increasing prevalence of late marriage and pregnancy. Preventive measures for older women should ideally include testing for breast and cervical cancer, nutritional calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis, hormonal balance testing, and others. Women’s health needs are more complex than men.

Women are also at a much higher risk of developing diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, which necessitate ongoing treatment or surgery. Women who are younger and have a lower income are more likely to be uninsured due to cost considerations.

3. More than group health insurance

This is due to two factors. One, in this context of rising job insecurity, family members should continue to be covered by health insurance even if the breadwinners are between jobs. Two, it becomes extremely difficult and expensive to obtain a health insurance policy after retirement, owing to the likelihood of pre-existing diseases by that time. As a result, when the members are young and healthy, an individual or family health insurance policy should be purchased.

4. Maternity coverage benefits

Motherhood is the most significant transition that a woman undergoes. Although a lot is changing in your life right now, becoming a mother is truly a magical journey. When you get older, the likelihood of pregnancy-related complications increases. Aside from that, motherhood-related expenses and responsibilities begin the day you become pregnant and continue indefinitely. If you are unprepared, these expenses may put you in financial jeopardy. To avoid this situation, it is critical to obtain financial support through a maternity insurance plan.

5. Newborn baby expenses

It is reassuring to have health insurance as a backup plan in case of complications or other medical needs. However, if you do not choose medical insurance for infants, you may be forced to bear the financial burden of paying large medical bills.

Aside from the emotional stress of dealing with any health complications during delivery, you don’t want to be concerned about the cost of treatment. With infant health insurance, you can ensure that your precious child receives prompt medical attention in the event of emergency hospitalisation.

6. Treatment for cancer

Breast cancer, ovary cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, hypopharynx cancer, and prostate cancer are some of the most common types of cancer covered by such insurance plans. Skin cancer is not usually covered. Most other types of cancer, on the other hand, require payment at various stages of diagnosis, treatment, and surgery, including a minor, major, and critical.

If the insured is diagnosed with a cancer of a defined severity, a percentage of the policy sum assured is paid in a lump sum, subject to applicable limits. Typically, to calculate the cancer benefit, the disease is classified into various stages of severity. The insurance payout is determined by the stage of cancer and previous claims under the policy. Some policies also provide free regular cancer screenings for the duration of the policy term.

7. Critical illness cover

Regular health insurance policies reimburse medical expenses and cover hospitalisation costs. Critical illness insurance, on the other hand, is a benefit plan that pays you a lump sum if you are diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses that are covered.

8. Mental health coverage

Mental illnesses, like physical illnesses, can have an impact on a woman’s life and career. If a woman ignores her mental health problems, they can worsen and may necessitate medical attention. Aside from the illness itself, the cost of treating these conditions can become prohibitively expensive. As a result, purchasing health insurance that includes mental health coverage is highly recommended. Because it will protect your savings and allow you to receive the best medical treatment available.

9. Annual health checkups

Annual health checkups are full-body examinations performed to monitor one’s overall health. This aids in the early detection of diseases and illnesses, as well as the monitoring of your health and well-being on the appropriate medical parameters.

Many health insurers in India now provide free annual health checkups, which means you can get your full body checkups done without having to pay out of pocket!

Every woman is unique, as is her health. If you are one of those women who play multiple roles in their lives and want a secure future, you should take time out of your busy schedule to consider getting health insurance to cover your medical expenses. This is one of the most important responsibilities among all of them.

Author Bio: Smriti Gala works at Coverfox as Digital Marketing Manager. When her life was turned upside down as her family members were severely affected by COVID, Smriti decided to dedicate her experience to informing and educating the masses on the importance of health insurance.

Our “monk marketer” enjoys meditating, meeting new people, and exploring less travelled areas when not actively writing insightful content.

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