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Are Vegetable Fats Better?

Are Vegetable Fats Better?

About eating Vegetable Fats, there’s a right sort of myths. Among these, vegetable fats said to be the simplest . is that this correct? This point we tell you all about the role of fats within the diet.

When it involves nutrition, there are many myths about what’s right and what’s not.

Fats, for instance, are those that generate the first doubts when planning a healthy diet.

There are those that question whether vegetable fats are better than animal fats since the latter linked to an increased risk of disease.

However, as in many other areas of health, not everything is black and white. Currently, it’s difficult to admit that vegetable fats are better simply because they’re of plant origin.

One of the issues associated with nutritional and dietary advice is to specialize in nutrients and not on food.

Importance Of Fats In The Diet

The role of fats in the diet has been a topic of debate in recent years. Research, such as one published in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, has emphasized its importance for various body functions. Usually:

They are part of cell membranes and create a protective layer around some organs, such as the heart or kidneys.

Lipids in the diet are necessary, as are proteins or carbohydrates. Without them, the organism could not carry out the functions we have seen.

And we need a daily intake, both saturated and unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).

So, it seems that saturated fats are not as bad as they appeared, and can be part of a healthy diet if we know how to choose the best dietary sources.

Fat intake is just as important as protein and carbohydrate intake. The key is balance.

Are Vegetable Fats Better Than Animal Fats?

The answer to this question is not simple and cannot sum up as a yes or a no. On the one hand, it will depend on the source of each type of fat.

Bluefish, for example, is animal fat that contains omega 3 fatty acids. Cured cheese, eggs, and yogurts, in turn, contain saturated fat but are considered healthy.

In contrast, sources of fats such as sausages, margarine, and oils used in industrial pastries not considered healthy fats and, on the contrary, can have adverse health effects.

On the other hand, it will also depend on the amount of fat that predominates in the diet as a whole. Thus, the ideal would be to prioritize monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Recent studies show that reducing the consumption of saturated fats for the benefit of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats has positive effects on the cardiovascular system.

What is evident when we talk about fats is that we must find a balance between animals and vegetables, and we must prioritize some foods over others.

What Are The Best Vegetable Fats?

Any edible oil extracted from a plant is a source of vegetable fat. Also, oil seeds, whole nuts, olives, avocado, and coconut.

Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the most recommended oil for daily use.

Both for dressing cold dishes and for cooking. Its beneficial properties are well known, and besides, it is an oil that withstands high temperatures very well (as long as it not reused).

Monounsaturated full of fat acids, such as those in olive oil, are the ones that must be present in the highest percentage in our daily diet.

Occasionally, we can also opt for seed oils such as sesame or sunflower.

It is preferable to use them in small quantities and to season cold dishes.

We must watch their conservation well because they are oils that oxidize more quickly. Flax seed oil is a good source of omega 3 for those who follow a vegan diet.

Like its oils, nuts and seeds provide us with healthy vegetable fats. A serving of between 25 and 30 grams a day is perfect for all people.

Even though they may be more caloric products, they are also indicated in weight control diets because they have fiber and satiating capacity.

Avocados also contain vegetable fats good. Without abusive consumption, they can be part of our salads, vegetable creams, or sandwiches.

Additional virgin olive oil is one of the best sources of fat for the diet.

It Is Necessary To Avoid The Consumption Of Some Vegetable Fats

Some fats are not healthy, and we should avoid them at all costs, even if they are of plant origin.

The hydrogenated fats, or partially hydrogenated, are formed by an industrial process that transforms liquid vegetable oils into solid.

They are found, above all, in vegetable kinds of margarine and many processed products such as cookies, pastries, ready meals, meal substitutes, and so on.

Concern about its effect on health has put them in the sights of science, and their use has banned in some countries.

Its consumption does not provide any benefit and, on the other hand, is related to a reduction in HDL cholesterol (excellent) and an increase in LDL (bad) and triglycerides.

It well known to increase the risk of coronary heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and decreased mental performance with age.

Nor should we choose refined vegetable oils, but those of the first cold-pressed or extra virgin.

Its extraction process makes them conserve nutrients better than refined oils (vitamin E or phytosterols), in addition to preserving a better aroma and flavor.

The Key Is To Choose Healthy Fats

All we have to do is know how to choose foods with healthier fats. And, above all, do not eliminate them from the diet, since fats are necessary for an optimal state of health.

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