Food and Facts

Top 13 Foods That Will Add Vivacity to Your Life


To enjoy every day, be optimistic about life and not oversleep every opportunity, you need to prepare your body. Everyone needs to change their habits a bit to feel comfortable. Here are the foods that should be consumed for the appearance of vigour and strength.


Doctors and experts who deal with human health call water an important component for the appearance of morning vigour. They recommend drinking a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. Important: the water in the morning should not be cold and even more so with ice. On an empty stomach, such a temperature is harmful. A glass of water in the morning starts the work of the whole body as betting starts with the creation of a 22Bet login. The cause of fatigue and sleepiness may be dehydration, so you should drink water throughout the day.

For a change, you can replace table water with mineral water or homemade lemonade. Simply add to the liquid any fruits and berries.


A good addition to a glass of water is mint. With its help, you can make an invigorating cocktail. Just add mint and citrus fruits to the water.

The greens contain many vitamins, essential oils and their properties have a slight tonic effect, activate the brain and help to cope with avitaminosis.


“Warming” spices (a group of spices that warm the body) accelerate the metabolism, so that blood flow in the body faster, the cells are saturated with oxygen and there is a burst of energy.

These spices include ginger, pepper, cinnamon and cardamom. Natural flavor enhancers can be added to dishes and beverages. However, there is an important rule: do not eat spices on an empty stomach. Gastroenterologists explain this by the fact that in an empty stomach, nothing softens the effect of spices and they directly contact the walls of the stomach, irritating it. These foods can cause pain and discomfort.


Citrus fruits contain an abundance of vitamin C, which has a tonic effect. Because of its beneficial properties, it helps to invigorate. The sour taste of citrus fruits also has an effect, which affects the taste buds and triggers neural connections.

You can choose lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, kumquat. The latter is also consumed as a dried fruit. It is an option for a snack or an alternative to sweets for tea.

Green Tea

Green tea has more invigorating potential than coffee itself. Tea caffeine works on the nervous system and fights lethargy, sleepiness, and depression.

The main property of green tea is antioxidants. The drink removes toxins and stimulates the metabolism, which allows you to improve your general well-being, get a certain lightness and vivacity.

Green tea also has limitations on the daily rate, because it is able to raise the blood pressure almost immediately. You should drink no more than four to six cups a day.

Bitter Chocolate

As soon as you feel a loss of energy, eat a couple of slices of bitter chocolate. Keep in mind that it is important to choose the right product with more than 55% cocoa content. Together, the caffeine and phenylethylamine in chocolate are invigorating and improve your mood.

During the day, levels of the joy hormone serotonin also drop. Bitter chocolate is able to increase its amount in the blood very quickly and eliminate sleepiness.

In people with increased anxiety, chocolate, on the contrary, reduces the synthesis of stress mediators and calms the nervous system. Regular consumption of bitter chocolate in moderate quantities can regulate most immune reactions in the body.


They have a large number of nutritional properties. Nuts satisfy hunger and saturate the body with nutrients, which activates the brain and physical activity.

Nuts are foods rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fiber, vitamins A, B, C, D and E, antioxidants. Such a composition, when consumed regularly, can strengthen the body, and therefore make it less susceptible to fatigue, the influence of external factors. Omega-3, which is in the composition of kernels, stimulates brain activity. Most polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in walnuts. Usually, it is bitter, but there are other varieties. For example, Botanica Chilean walnuts are larger in size and hardly bitter.

Eat about a handful of walnuts a day, and it is better in the morning because of the high caloric content of the product. Nutritionists advise eating different nuts because each nut has its own characteristics and despite the overall richness of nutrients the composition and level of micronutrients in each nut is different. The most popular nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts (although it is not a nut, but a bean). You can alternate types of nuts by day or consume different mixes.


Fruits contain natural sugars and fast carbohydrates that help the body get energized quickly. The record holder for energy density is the banana. This fruit contains a lot of fiber, which helps to use up the energy of carbohydrates efficiently.

Cardiologists recommend eating fruits that are high in vitamin C: pineapple, citrus fruits. This vitamin itself is invigorating, and products with it can tone up just by their flavor.


Raspberries have a powerful antioxidant effect due to their bioflavonoids, which protect cells from the adverse effects of the environment.

Raspberries are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, K and contain potassium, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper, phosphorus and calcium. Raspberries quickly make up for the lack of useful substances. At the same time, a person feels a rush of strength.


Blueberries help strengthen the immune system and normalize the level of iron in the blood.

With anaemia, an iron deficiency, a person experiences chronic fatigue, sleepiness, and apathy, so the seasonal use of blueberries beats the cause of the sluggish state, rather than just eliminating superficial signs.

Useful substances that are in blueberries also improve blood circulation in small vessels.


Sour apples invigorate the taste buds and generally improve emotional well-being. The boron present in the fruit affects the ability to concentrate. Apples improve digestion, which has a positive effect on metabolism, general well-being and a feeling of lightness.

One apple contains about 13 grams of sugar, and the influx of glucose in the body activates its condition. In terms of the effect on the body, one fruit can be compared to a cup of coffee.

Specialists recommend choosing seasonal apples of local growth if possible because it is believed that the best products for a person are those that are historically grown in his area of residence. Genetically, the human body has adapted to digest locally grown foods more efficiently than exotics.


Due to its high protein and protein content foods, any meat is considered an energy-rich product . The most “powerful” red meat in its composition is beef, turkey, liver, and tongue.

If you consume meat foods regularly, you will have more energy and increase the general tone of the body. Tyrosine, which is in the product, supports the mental activity. Meat is also suitable to cheer up quickly.

When you feel hungry, it is better not to eat flour products or cereals, but meat – a product with steady energy, which the body consumes slowly.

Dairy Products

Dairy product foods are a source of protein that gives you energy and a feeling of fullness. It regulates metabolism and thanks to vitamins B2 and B12 it stimulates the brain.

This is why yogurts and other dairy products are great as a refresher and a way to cheer up.