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Ways to Protect Your Hearing Health

Hearing Health

Speak with any audiologist or doctor, and they’ll tell you just how important it is to protect your hearing health. From loud noises caused by construction, listening to music too loud, or attending a live concert to physical damage or even disease, many different things can put the quality of your hearing health at risk.

Over time, these risks can permanently damage your hearing and cause further complications, such as hearing loss or tinnitus. But luckily, there are many ways to protect your hearing health.

While it can be beneficial to speak with your doctor or audiologist about protecting your hearing health, there are several simple ways to protect your hearing on your own.

Here, we’re taking a closer look at some of the most effective methods for protecting your hearing so that you can preserve quality hearing as you get older.

4 Ways to Protect Your Hearing Health

If you plan on enjoying quality hearing as you age, taking steps right now is essential to protect your hearing health. It may be difficult to avoid any hearing health threat, especially if it’s a medical condition like an acoustic neuroma. Still, with some forethought and planning, you can reduce most risks.

To protect your hearing health, consider the following:

  1. Turn down the volume: now more than ever, we find ourselves plugged into our favourite electronic devices. No longer just for our favorite songs, we wear headphones to listen to long-form content like audiobooks and podcasts. We also plug in for long work calls and meetings from home or on conference calls. It takes a lot of time to be plugged in, so keeping your headphones dialled at a safe audio level is essential.
  2. Wear earplugs: While avoiding loud noises and environments is essential, they’re sometimes unavoidable. In these cases, wearing earplugs is smart when you know you’ll be around loud noises.  If you plan on going to a live show or if you work around heavy machinery or construction equipment, pack a pair of earplugs to protect your hearing. While loud noises may sometimes be inevitable, damaging your hearing certainly isn’t.
  3. Use the medication as directed: If prescribed prescription medication, follow the directions carefully to prevent potential risks. Some medicines, known as ototoxic drugs, can cause damage to your hearing health. Before beginning any new medication, please speak with your doctor to assess its potential impact on your auditory system. If you’re taking supplements to minimize tinnitus symptoms, such as Tinnitus911, check for any drug interactions that may occur with prescription medication.
  4. Stop using cotton swabs: many of us grew up commonly using cotton swabs like Q-tips to clean out our ears. This could help clean out the ear canal from potential ear wax buildup. However, according to recent studies, doctors now believe this may cause more harm than good as the swabs can push the ear wax farther back and may damage your inner ear. The hairs in your ear work to push out excess ear wax naturally. If you experience ear wax buildup, speak with your doctor for a safe method for removing this buildup.

Conclusion – 4 Ways to Protect Your Hearing Health

Listening to your favorite songs. Enjoying the next great movie. Succeeding at work. Simply spending time with friends and enjoying a great conversation. There are many reasons to protect your hearing health so you can enjoy quality hearing and interact meaningfully with the world around you.

To preserve your hearing health, avoid loud noises when you can (and wear earplugs when you can’t), keep your headphones safe, and stop using cotton swabs to clean your ears. By following these simple strategies, you can better protect your hearing health for years to come. You can also reach out to your audiologist for more information about protecting your hearing.

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