
6 Ways to Get Rid of Thoughts During Meditation


Your brain processes thousands of reflections daily, so it is not surprising that sometimes you can feel overwhelmed. Modern people suffer from an inability to “turn off” their restless minds and stop the flow of negative thoughts. And, unfortunately, it can have wide-reaching consequences.

Psychologists say that your reflections can affect your mental state and decision-making abilities, that’s why they may lead to psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. However, you can leave this vicious circle if you start practicing certain consciousness-based techniques.

They will help you calm down your restless mind and feel much better. The most common and effective method is meditation.

You should learn how to direct your consciousness and stop thinking with the help of some tips and tricks. They represent alternative options to using old-school meditation practice. So, if you pay someone to do my assignment and have about fifteen minutes to devote to yourself, it is worth trying to meditate.

1. Think about your breathing

When your mind suffers from an elevated level of anxiety, it can influence the way you breathe. You may feel that you can’t reach relaxed breathing, and you feel tightness in the chest. Such feelings can only exacerbate the problem and trigger a flow of disturbing reflections.

To calm down your restless mind, you should try to focus on how you breathe in and out. Try to watch the movements of your chest, stay focused on this process. Use your nose to breathe in and use your mouth to breathe out at a slow rhythm, allowing the breath to flow effortlessly. When your breathing gets back to normal, imagine how your negative reflections escape and leave you alone. You can turn to this method everywhere and anytime when you need to get control over your mind, and not just during meditation.

2. Broaden your understanding of the current moment

You should develop the ability to adapt to your reflections and emotions. First, you may want to ignore the negative reflections that are stuck in your restless mind. However, you can decrease their power and effect only by accepting them. Speak out what you feel right now and why, “I feel angry because I faced undeserved treatment,” “I worry because of my exams,” “I dream of future holidays,” and so on.

After that, try to tune in to what you see around you, listen to the sounds, understand how you feel the clothes on your skin, reflect on each scent you smell in detail. As you turn on other senses, you realize that there are various objects around you, so the space is full not just with your useless worries and emotions that currently dominate your consciousness. It is the anchoring technique that shifts your focus inside you and your feelings.

3. Turn to your body

When you need to calm an overwhelmed mind during meditation, try to reflect on the sensations in your body. An overloaded mind can be stranded in a flow of useless reflections. Movements are one of the ways to realize the sensations in every part of your body. You can just change the position of your body, stretch a bit before meditation, or move your fingers and reflect on how each part of your body feels.

Try to realize where you are at the moment and how you feel right now. Reflect on the position of your body and how much your back is relaxed. This technique helps get control over your mental state and focus on the present.

4. Meditate outside

When you try to calm down your restless mind, you can turn to nature. Your reflections can negatively affect your mental state, and meditation in the fresh air can become a magic wand you need to restore balance. It is worth using any opportunity to go outdoors and meditate there.

Turn to an essay order and take a moment to look around you. Look at trees, take off your shoes, and feel the grass with your feet, and touch bushes with your fingertips. Focus on colors, shapes, and patterns of greenery. Inhale the fresh air. Do you feel how the wind plays with your hair and how sunlight touches your skin? Give yourself time to feel what you are currently observing, using all your senses.

Going outside can help you bring your consciousness back into the present, stop the flow of negative reflections, and help you deal with your worries from a new angle.

5. Be reasonable in your reflections

When your brain notices a threat, it does its best to protect you. However, its hypersensitivity is often misleading. Your head processes gigabytes of information daily, but they are not always justified or true. For instance, you can prepare for a crucial event, reflecting on your potential failure and all the terrible consequences. However, these reflections don’t have a foundation. Thus, to get rid of reflections during meditations, accept the fact that your reflections are irrational and start breathing deeply.

6. Get rid of your reflections

When you don’t let go of your annoying reflections for too long, they can start eating you from inside. If you want to achieve the required level of relaxation before meditation, you should take a notebook and try freewriting for about ten minutes. Don’t reflect on what you are writing, just let go of your emotions and feelings. This can help assess the situation and calm down enough to turn off your restless brain.