
Is CBD Oil Effective In Pain Management?


There has been evidence of using marijuana for treating pain since ancient times. And the results of recent research have confirmed that a certain component of marijuana is responsible for relieving your pain. That being said, CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is the derivative of the Cannabis Sativa plant, which is used as an alternative and supportive therapy to deal with certain ailments. When it comes to pain management, studies have suggested the CBD has healing and pain-relieving properties. This helps improve the quality of life of patients. For more on the topic, we took the help of CBD Oil in helping us gain a better understanding.

In this article, we will study the ways CBD can help in pain management and the basics associated with CBD. Keep reading further to know more about this component.

Basics of CBD

CBD is one of the cannabinoids that is extracted from the cannabis or marijuana plant. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is another cannabinoid that contains psychoactive elements, which is known to give a high feeling to the consumer. Unlike THC, CBD does not contain these elements, and the extract is used mainly for medicinal purposes. This way, the patients are not dependent upon the cannabis and neither get involved in substance abuse. This quality makes CBD an area of interest and opens up the portal to learn more about CBD oil’s therapeutic effect.

Application of CBD Oil

CBD oil can be used in numerous conditions. However, before you use CBD to deal with your ailments, it is advised to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dose for your condition. Some of these conditions are as described.

  • Acne
  • Sleep disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Depression and anxiety issues
  • Improve cancer-related symptoms
  • Maintain heart health
  • Help in dealing with substance abuse, diabetic prevention, among many other conditions

Scope of CBD in Pain Management

Various studies have been suggestive of the pain-relieving qualities of CBD extract. In several studies, it has been found that the subjects who have been prescribed the controlled dose of CBD showed a positive effect, and thus, they do not have to depend on other medicines to deal with the pain. CBD has been used to deal with the side effects of chemotherapy as well. It helped regulate the pain, nausea, and vomiting in patients post-chemotherapy sessions. Besides, if you are looking for CBD products for pain relief, check penguin CBD online.

Similarly, CBD extract has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. This is especially useful in patients who have arthritis, including OA and RA. With the ability to reduce inflammation, patients greatly benefit from the regulated dosage of CBD, which improved the patient’s quality of life. Usually, a combination of CBD oil and THC has been used and applied to the affected area. This combination helped treat the patients with the severe intensity of pain. Similarly, in MS cases, the intensity of spasm is decreased, and the patients were able to live their life more comfortably.

Although the results of CBD studies are promising, more research is required to unveil the true potential of CBD extract. It is advised to consult your physician to decide the right dose before adding cannabinoids to your treatment plan.