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How Hindfoot Misalignment Affects Your Body

Hindfoot Misalignment

There’s a very good chance that you and most of the people you know experience foot pain regularly. In fact, in the United States, approximately 87% of adults experience foot pain of varying degrees. When it comes to your feet, it’s not just the pain that’s the problem. Your feet are the base and foundations of your body. When they are weakened or not functioning as they should, it can have repercussions beyond simple pain.

Hindfoot Misalignment is one of the more common foot conditions that can lead to pain. This condition can happen when the body’s weight is not properly distributed through the foot. When this happens, your ankle bones will bear the brunt of it, when it should be your heel and the balls of your feet that do. This can be caused by poor posture, injury, incorrect gait, or simply wearing shoes that don’t fit you properly. Here are some of the ways that a hindfoot misalignment can affect your body.

There are two types of misalignments. The most common is over-pronation. This is caused by the heel taking on too much shock from your regular walking. It happens when your foot pushes inward and your ankle bone goes along with it. Your body will no longer be properly stabilized and your entire leg will be weakened.

The other type is supination. Instead the foot rolls inward. This can affect not just above the ankle, but the rest of the foot as well. The bones of your feet will take on extra pressure, and it will cause pain when walking.

Knee Pain

When you have a misalignment of your feet, it can spread to the rest of your body. When even one small part is out of place, it will affect other components. Your knee is one such component. When you are out of alignment, your knee can take on additional pressure, causing it to slightly turn to one side or the other. You may not see the change, but you will feel it. The more pressure on your knee, the more pain you will feel. This will make it even harder.

Back Pain

When your hindfoot is properly aligned, your ankle rests evenly on top of your heel. There is a space between the two to allow for movement. If you have a misalignment, then your ankle bone will not be even with your heel. That gap between the two will close up and place pressure on both the ankle and the heel. The bone of your heel can even start to deteriorate. A misalignment will also cause your spine and back muscles to get out of alignment, which will add pressure and cause pain and discomfort.

Hip Pain

Misalignments can also cause issues with your hips. The extra pressure can reverberate through your legs into your hips. The more you walk, the worse it will get, and you will lose your range of motion. You will find that you need to take it easy and lie down and rest regularly.

Treating Misalignment

There are several reasons why you do not have proper hindfoot alignment. For one, it could be the result of an injury that doesn’t heal properly. If you have scarring and inflammation it can expand and push your ankle out of alignment. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions when you are recovering and rest when needed. Physical therapy may also be required, and you need to follow all the guidelines that your physiotherapist gives you.

It can also be caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes. When your shoes do not fit properly, then the pressure won’t get properly distributed through your feet when you walk through your day. You should always have shoes that fit properly. If you don’t, then you can purchase insoles that will help to stabilize your foot and maintain your hindfoot alignment.

Age is also a factor when it comes to foot pain. A misalignment may be minor, and it might not manifest itself until you are older. That’s why it’s important to use preventative measures throughout your life to keep your hindfeet aligned. Use insoles, do what you can to heal properly, and have any issues examined by a doctor before they get worse.

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