
What Are The Health Effects Of Refined Sugar?

Refined Sugar

We tell you about the effects of consuming refined sugar on health.

Discover why it is essential to limit the contribution of this nutrient to reduce the incidence of certain diseases.

Consumption of refined sugar has some health effects that are due, above all, to its interference with metabolic function.

That is, its ability to modify the processes by which we generate internal energy.

In general, it recommended to moderate its consumption, except in the case of athletes.

Despite everything, in recent years, the number of products that contain this substance in its composition has increased.

Refined sugar is capable of improving the organoleptic qualities of food, which affects consumer satisfaction since it improves its appearance and taste.

For this reason, fats have gradually replaced by this nutrient.

It is less caloric, of course, but it is more harmful in the medium and long term, as we will see below. Keep reading to find out.

Refined Sugar Affects Metabolic Health

Refined Sugar Affects Metabolic Health

One of the effects of refined sugar is the generation of pancreatic stress after ingestion, stimulating the production of insulin to modulate glucose levels in the blood.

That is pancreatic stress since it accelerates a metabolism that is usually slower.

If insulin release in large amounts, regularly and continuously, the cells lose sensitivity to it, making it less efficient.

Under this type of situation, the pancreas must generate more and more of the hormone to induce a similar effect, which worsens the function of the organ.

Thus, consuming refined sugar frequently is a risk factor for the development of the effects of diseases.

Such as type 2 diabetes, increases the risk of other diseases, primarily vascular.

Furthermore, it is an irreversible process, and, once it manifests itself, it can be managed and treated, but not cured.

Refined sugar produces pancreatic stress, leading to insulin resistance.

Consumption Of Refined Sugar And Cancer

Consumption Of Refined Sugar And Cancer

Another consequence of the regular consumption of refined sugar that is suspected is an increased incidence of some types of cancer, especially those related to the digestive system.

Glucose is the primary energy fuel for tumors, so supplying this mass of abnormal cells with pure sugar could be one of the reasons that stimulate their growth.

The scientific literature defends that the reduction in the consumption of simple carbohydrates.

The application of the ketogenic diet in certain situations is capable of reducing the risk of developing tumors.
However, restrictive eating plans do not always have a high degree of adherence.

For this reason, it recommends reducing the consumption of refined sugar, instead of eliminating it from the diet.

The Importance Of Metabolic Flexibility

Both when it comes to reducing body weight and improving health, it is necessary to take into account a concept that can be key that of metabolic flexibility.

This concept refers to the body’s ability to use the different nutrients available to produce energy.

Having poor metabolic flexibility may make it difficult to lose weight, as well as reduce performance in many athletes.

Eating refined sugar could harm health by reducing a person’s metabolic flexibility.

Recent studies show a stable relationship between the implementation of these protocols and the increase in metabolic flexibility.

It suggests that the results may be generally applicable, but to obtain a more substantial degree of evidence requires more extensive and long-term research on humans.

Refined Sugars And Health

Refined sugar has been associated with digestive tract tumors and dangerous metabolic changes when overused.

Reducing the consumption of refined sugar has a positive effect on health.

As we have explained, reducing the consumption of refined sugar can have favorable effects on improving health.

Also, this strategy will allow you to decrease subcutaneous fat and improve body composition.

This situation will translate into a lower risk of developing metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

In this way, many of the leading causes of mortality can be addressed with a diet that controls the intake of carbohydrates, maintaining non-excessive levels of them.

You don’t need to deprive yourself entirely of the foods that contain this nutrient, especially if you are an athlete, but you should control its intake.

Ideally, they should not be part of the regular diet.

The consumption of fresh foods over ultra-processed products, rich in refined sugars and trans fats, will bring remarkable benefits.

Also, you will feel less bloated and decrease the level of inflammation throughout the body.

If you have doubts about which foods are likely to contain sugar, go to a nutrition professional so that he can tell you how to improve the diet.

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