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8 Ways to Deal With Fear and Anxiety


Our subconscious responds differently to events happening around us. Even in the most desperate situation, the brain seeks salvation. But not always the options it offers us are for our own good. Fear, anxiety, panic, despair can be a protective reaction of our subconscious. These feelings prevent sensible assessment of the situation and respond correctly to the circumstances. Tips on how to cope with fear and constant feelings of anxiety will help in a crisis situation.

Don’t Ignore Your Fear

Fear will not go away if you ignore it. Try to look fear in the eyes, feel it, understand the reason. Acceptance of fear is the first step in overcoming it. Assess the fear and ask yourself questions: is the threat real, what can you do to avoid the situation, how have other people acted in similar cases?

Let Your Emotions out

You can share your fear with someone, say your reasons aloud or write them down on paper. Look at the fear from the outside, focus on what you are afraid of. Find a support group – people who are experiencing the same fear as you are. When a person hides the fear in themselves – the fear increases, discussing the emotion will help conquer the fear.

Filter Information

In times of anxiety and instability, people tend to update their social media feeds every minute or keep constantly looking for new 22Bet NG offers. Of course, you need to keep up to date, but don’t make it your primary goal. Remember that you need to study, eat, breathe fresh air, and take care of loved ones. Constantly focusing on negative events can cause depression and increase fear and anxiety. Not all sources of information are reliable. Find a source that you trust, keep track of developments, but not to your own detriment.

Research the Object of the Fear

Find out as much information as you can about what scares you. Read the stories of people who have experienced similar events. Analyze how they acted in such situations, what they did to survive. Remember how you should behave in a critical situation. Take a notebook and write down step-by-step instructions that you will always have on hand. This technique will give you confidence that if your fear comes true, you will know how to act.

Don’t Be Afraid of Criticism

Most people are afraid to admit their fear because of the possible condemnation from others. Many people are experiencing anxiety right now. People are frightened by the unknown and uncertainty of the future. Share your anxiety with family, friends, or coworkers. Don’t keep the fear to yourself. It’s difficult to cope with fear alone. By talking to people, you will see that there are those who share your fear, and together it will be easier to cope.

Get rid of Negative Thoughts

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This can be some pleasant memory or thoughts about something that brings you peace and balance. Positive thoughts will send your subconscious mind the signal that nothing dangerous is happening to you at the moment and an over-emotional response is unnecessary.


Breathing exercises help to cope with negative emotions. Breathe slowly and deeply, on inhale mentally count to 10, on exhale – count in reverse order. Concentrate on your breathing, focusing on the exhalation. The exhalation should be long – this will free you from the feeling of stiffness in the body. Repeat the exercise at least three times to consolidate the result.

Turn to a Professional

If you have tried all possible ways to overcome anxiety and fear, but still nothing came out, tell a specialist about the problem. When the fear turns into a phobia, there are panic attacks, dizziness, fainting – to solve the problem alone will not work. Asking for help in such situations is not at all shameful. When we have a headache, we go to the doctor to prescribe treatment.

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