
Does Peeing After Sex Push Sperm Out Of Your Vagina?

When you are trying to get pregnant, it is easy to believe in the myths and stories told by many old wives. You’ve probably heard that peeing pushes the sperm out. But, is it really true that peeing after sex pushes sperm out of your vagina? Let’s debunk this myth.

The truth is, a trip to the toilet after sex will have no impact on your chances of getting pregnant. Rather, it may have other health benefits and help you avoid certain infections. Read on to know what peeing after sex does.

First, let’s discuss the anatomy and the difference between the vaginal canal and the urethra.

Vaginal canal: The canal that receives the sperm during sexual intercourse and leads to your cervix (opening of the uterus). The sperm then reaches your uterus and fallopian tubes. The egg released by your ovary during ovulation meets the sperm in the fallopian tube.

Urethra: This is the tube with a significantly smaller opening than your vagina. It’s the path that allows urine to exit out of the body.

Peeing will not push sperm out of your vagina after ejaculation because the openings of your vaginal canal and urethra are separate.

But what about the fluid that comes out of your vagina when you get up to pee after sex.

So to understand, it is important to know that semen (sperm-carrying fluid) is composed of a mixture of components. It not only contains sperm but also other elements like proteins and enzymes.

Typically, a single load of ejaculate contains millions of sperms. After ejaculation, up to 35 percent of the semen will slide out when you get up after sex. The rest of the semen begins to travel towards your cervix (aided by your vaginal discharge). So, the white fluid that comes out of your vagina after his orgasm is merely a portion of the ejaculate. Even if some sperm does come out, the fastest sperm will have already made its way up to your cervix, and one of them may have already won the jackpot.

You should also note that the fluid that comes out is not just semen but a combination of cervical mucus and extra semen.

Can you get pregnant if sperm comes out of your vagina?

Yes, keep in mind that only one sperm is needed to fertilize an egg. And, on average, a man releases 1.5 to 5 ml of semen. This consists of millions of sperms, which is more than enough to get you pregnant. So, sperm that comes out when you get up to pee does not reduce your chances of conceiving.

Why should you pee after sex?

Peeing after sex can aid to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). These are infections that occur when bacteria enter any part of your urinary system (the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys).

Women are more possible to get UTIs after sex simply because of their anatomy. Females have a shorter urethra than males. The urethra is close to the vagina. However, this allows bacteria to enter the urethra and travel into the bladder more easily. Peeing after sex can help in flushing out germs before they can cause a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Although it is not a guaranteed method of preventing sex-related UTIs, it is a rather simple one to try.

It is important to understand that peeing after sex has no effect on sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). As STIs and STDs affect the vaginal canal, peeing after sex does not clear the microbes. If you’re not trying to conceive, the most reliable method is to use a condom for protection.

Can you push sperm out and not get pregnant?

You might want to remove semen from your vagina after sex if you don’t wish to get pregnant or due to hygienic reasons. However, this is not scientifically possible. Sperm cannot be flushed out of your cervix once they have entered through the vaginal canal. There are, however, a few myths about how to remove sperm from the vagina. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  1. Peeing after sex: As discussed earlier a woman urinates from the urethral opening and sperm enters through the vaginal opening. These are two different openings. So, even if you pee immediately after sex, it will not flush out the sperm that have already reached your cervix.
  2. Douching after sex: Douching is cleaning or washing your vagina with water and soap. It is believed by some women that douching can help clean out the semen after sex and act as a birth control method. This is far from the truth. Douching does not prevent pregnancy. Rather it can increase your risk of vaginal infections.
  3. Cleaning the vagina with vinegar: Some women believe washing the vagina with vinegar can kill sperm because vinegar has a high acidity level. But, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Infact, putting vinegar into your vagina can cause irritation.

Can you become pregnant if you wipe sperm from inside your vagina?

To become pregnant, it is essential that your partner’s sperm reach inside your vagina. Irrespective of whether you wipe it or remove it, the sperm has already reached your cervix.

The only condition is that the sperm needs to meet the egg during your fertile window. This is the period when you are most fertile and the chances of pregnancy are high. The fertile window starts 4 days before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and one day after ovulation.

Most women have no idea when they are ovulating. You can track your fertile days with the Inito ovulation tracker. Into tracks your ovulation by measuring the estrogen, luteinizing hormone (LH), and progesterone (PdG). These are the hormones responsible for ovulation.


  • Peeing after sex won’t push sperm out of your vagina.
  • When you pee after sex, you can prevent UTIs.
  • Some semen may come out of the vagina after sex, but this won’t hurt your chances of becoming pregnant.
  • Remember, in order to conceive, the sperm needs to reach the egg inside the cervix. This is possible only by penetrative sexual intercourse.
  • Once the sperm reaches into your vagina, there is no way you can push it out or wash it off.