Pets and Animals

Debunking CBD Oil For Pets Myths

CBD Oil For Pets

Often the pet line of CBD oil products deems a therapy for pet parents to use for their furry companions to answer numerous symptoms that come with specific ailments. The compound boasts many properties with some meant to help reduce anxiety, decrease pain sensation or inflammation, and even potentially assist with cancer treatments.

Cancer research for pets progress continues with some evidence beginning to prove its effectiveness, especially in animal arthritis and seizure control. That gives many parents and vets added security and confidence with providing CBD to their beloved charges.

Some still have a sense of hesitation, particularly those who haven’t tried any human products for themselves. The confusion comes from the contradictions in information you can find when researching on your own.

Fortunately, when you find trusted pet-dedicated CBD websites like, they separate the myths from the facts. These companies help parents learn what benefits cannabidiol (CBD) products can actually provide for their fur babies.

Myths Surrounding Cannabidiol For Pets

Pet parents who are new to cannabidiol might feel deterred due to numerous myths surrounding the compound. Although research is slowly advancing with the effectiveness coming to light, the conflicting information can be confusing.

You need to reach out to a licensed vet for guidance if you’re unsure or reach out to a reputable CBD pet-dedicated CBD site, both of whom can provide knowledge to guide you towards an educated decision. Some of the more common myths that follow cannabidiol include:

 The Other Primary Cannabinoid In Cannabis

Many people confuse CBD and THC, not to mention hemp and marijuana. Cannabis is the “parent” plant, with hemp and marijuana falling as species under this genus. Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol are the primary cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Each is found in hemp and marijuana, but CBD is most abundant in hemp, and THC is most abundant in marijuana.

THC and CBD work with different receptors in the body and brain linked to the endocannabinoid system. The receptors that interact with THC result in intoxicating effects for the user consuming marijuana.

The hemp user sees a more relaxed, calming effect as CBD leans towards the body’s wellness functions with no capacity for intoxication. The compound can actually deflect the negative reactions to THC, bringing out that cannabinoid’s positive attributes.

All CBD pet products are hemp-based, as are the human lines because hemp is legal and marijuana is not. The THC has to be at or below 0.3% or less to be legal. In saying that, CBD pet products have no likelihood of inducing a “high” for your fur baby.

** There Is No THC In CBD Oil For Pets

While hemp-based pet products have very little (0.3% or less), most products have a trace amount of THC combined with the CBD. CBD boasts the capacity to negate the adverse reactions of THC, allowing the cannabinoid to shine with what are beneficial properties.

The suggestion is that when combined, regardless of the level, CBD and THC complement each other, enhancing the effects of each set of properties, making them stronger and more of a benefit to the animal.

The only issue is there are tons of brands on the market, but not all are of a high standard. Many, in fact, produce substandard products with false information regarding the ingredients included in their products.

Some might contain CBD or none, and others can consist of excessive THC levels, a detriment to your pet. It takes due diligence to avoid these companies in favor of trusted, reliable merchants who put in the time and effort to receive a legitimate Certificate of Analysis for the public to see their standard.

** CBD Oil Legality Is Still In The “Grey Area.”

The only CBD oil products that are not legal are those that are marijuana-derived. With pet CBD that is not a fear. These are all hemp-based. Hemp was made legal in 2018 with the Farm Bill.

To stay compliant with the bill, THC must be at or lower than 0.3%. Anything over that amount goes against federal guidelines and will fall on the Schedule I illicit drug list.

Hemp-based CBD pet products are all-natural, safe, and legal for animals to consume. These compounds boast beneficial for a furry companion’s overall wellness and a potential aid for reducing symptoms with simple ailments to those that might be more serious in nature.

Final Thought

Cannabidiol pet products will not necessarily cure your furry friend or replace medical care for severe disease. Still, the compound touts an ideal aid to help with minor symptoms of a less serious condition or works as an assistant with treatments meant to reduce symptoms for significant illnesses.

CBD isn’t something you should begin without seeing a vet for assurance your animal is an ideal candidate for the substance. Medical professionals should always be aware of what a pet is taking so they can properly maintain well-being. Pull this link for guidance on animal health/welfare and where CBD can help.

If you are having doubts about whether you should use CBD, the vet can also provide informative knowledge, as can a representative from a site-specific pet CBD website to help guide you through the thought process. Ultimately, the priority is debunking the myths so that you understand the compound enough to keep your pet safe.

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