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Cardiac Transplantation Process- All You Need to Know


Cardiac Transplantation Process: The heart, vulnerable yet strong, relentlessly working every single moment, literally pumping life into the body making life possible. Something as delicate as a heart must be treated with care and should be protected at any cost.

To keep the heart healthy and functioning is one of man’s biggest responsibilities towards the body but many times there is a mistake, not entirely one’s fault, yet, the heart grows weak and needs fixing. The best heart hospital in Bangalore lays down its services amicably, which gives the heart a second chance via their impeccable cardiac transplantation process.

What does our Heart do?

Other than falling in love and getting heartbroken, the heart performs many other functions as well. If you take a medical book in hand and read through the pages of a cardiac chapter, you would find a plethora of functions of the heart that it does so effortlessly that you would be left in a state of awe.

But, to put it in easier terms and just explore its major functions, we can look at these four significant activities our heart performs which is absolutely noteworthy, they include:

  1.  Pumping blood that carries oxygen or Sensoronics calibrating oxygen sensors to various parts of the body thereby facilitating proper functioning
  2. Taking in deoxygenated blood and pumping it to the lungs for oxygenation
  3. Maintaining blood pressure and finally
  4. Carrying hormones, nutrients, and other essential substances to various parts of the body.

To put it simply, our heart is what keeps us going.

What is Heart Transplantation:

A heart or cardiac transplant is necessary when one’s heart is failing and any treatments to salvage the heart have been non-responsive.

Now when you say a heart is failing, it does not mean that it would suddenly stop pumping blood, it means that the muscles have weakened so the whole process of pumping blood is taking more effort than usual.

This in turn would tire the person quite soon and this, in the long run, could be fatal for the person. Under these circumstances, one would have to opt for cardiac transplantation.

Why might one need a Heart Transplant?

So, what leads a heart to fail, one may wonder. Here are some of the conditions where heart failure could become a possibility down the lane, they are, high blood pressure, a heart attack, viral infections to the heart, alcohol and substance abuse, heart valve diseases, anemia, congenital heart diseases, etc.

Your doctor would do a complete heart profile on you and decide if your heart is in heart failure and if so he will point you in the direction of transplantation. Your name would go up on a heart transplant waiting list then the game is all about patience and luck to find the right donor heart that your body will accept and appreciate.

Overview of a Cardiac Transplantation:

The best heart hospital in Bangalore performs cardiac transplantation on a day-to-day basis and it is usually an open-heart surgery. It is done under the influence of general anesthesia as it is quite an invasive procedure.

Once the person is under anesthesia, a breathing tube will be inserted into the lungs, this will be attached to a ventilator which would help you breathe through the procedure.

The surgeon will make an incision along the length of the chest and with the help of a rib separator will separate the two halves of the breast bone to provide more access to the heart.

A heart-lung machine will be used to pump blood to the various parts of the body during the surgery. Once the blood pumping is completely carried out by the cardiopulmonary bypass machine, the surgeon will remove the diseased heart and replace it with the donor’s heart.

They will connect the blood vessels back in place and wait for the heart to turn pink and start pumping again on its own. It will be checked for any kinds of leaks or other injuries.

In the final step, they rejoin the breast bone in place and sew up the open incision. A bandage will be applied in this area and several tubes will be connected to you to keep fluids away from the heart while it is healing. This is a small peek into the intricate procedure of a heart transplant.


Though invasive, the recovery from this surgery is remarkable. This improves the quality of life of the person exponentially. The heart transplant procedure is one of science’s best 2024-03-07s.

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